蔡青 Cai Qing(策展人)
蔡青博士(德籍),居住在中國和新加坡,藝術家、作家。活躍於當代藝術,行為藝術和藝術教育領域。1984 年畢業於浙江美術學院版畫系(現名中國美術學院)。1989年移居德國,1998 年在北京發起,與馮博一共同策展了「生存痕跡——首屆中國當代藝術內部觀摩展」,推動中國當代藝術運動的進程。2001年旅居紐約,2007年任新加坡南洋理工大學藝術學院教授。 2011獲中國美術學院文學博士,現任教於中國美術大學公共藝術學院。出版著作包括:《表演藝術與精神治癒》,2012、《表演藝術現場》2013、《實驗藝術實踐-行動在海外》2017、《蔡青2015表演藝術年鑒》2017。 Art Now Live Tour現場行為藝術巡迴,是2014年起由蔡青策劃的系列行為藝術展。 Dr. Cai Qing (German), an artist and writer living in China and Singapore, is active in the field of contemporary art, performance art and art education. He graduated from the Printmaking Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now known as China Academy of Fine Arts) in 1984. He lived in New York in 2001 and became a professor at the School of Art, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2007. He received his PhD in Literature from the China Academy of Art in 2011 and is currently teaching at the School of Public Art, China University of Art. His publications include Performance Art and Spiritual Healing, 2012, Performance Art Live, 2013, Experimental Art Practice - Action Overseas, 2017, and Cai Qing's 2015 Performance Art Yearbook, 2017. Art Now Live Tour is a series of performance art exhibitions curated by Cai Qing since 2014. |
貝嶺 Bei Ling (協同策展人)
貝嶺(美籍),作家、出版人、策展人,2000年美國西部筆會自由寫作獎得主。先後長居美國、德國、臺灣等地。他曾是1980年代北京地下文學及地下文化活動的主要組織者,曾先後在深圳大學、哈佛大學任教,亦曾任加州大學爾灣校區(University of California, Irvine)國際寫作與翻譯中心理事會理事。1993年,他主持創辦《傾向》文學人文雜誌,2001年7月,他與已逝的詩人孟浪、已逝的2010年諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波等發起創辦獨立中文作家筆會。(Independent Chinese PEN Center),他也是臺北國際書展史上首位策展人(2003年臺北國際書展特約策展人)。出版中文著作有:《哈維爾:一個簡單的複雜人》(2011年)、《貝嶺詩選—─舊日子》(2006年)、《今天和明天》(1988年)。德文著作:文學回憶錄《驅離:中國》(德譯本,德國書亢出版社Suhrkamp Verlag,2012)、《犧牲自由︰劉曉波》(德譯本,德國 Riva出版社,2010)等。 Bei Ling (American) is a writer, publisher, curator, and winner of the 2000 PEN America West Freelance Writing Award. He has lived in the United States, Germany, and Taiwan for a long time. He was a major organizer of underground literary and cultural activities in Beijing in the 1980s, taught at Shenzhen University and Harvard University, and served on the board of directors of the International Center for Writing and Translation at the University of California, Irvine. In July 2001, he co-founded the Independent Chinese Writers PEN Center with the late poet Meng Lang and the late 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo. (He was also the first curator in the history of the Taipei International Book Exhibition (2003). His publications in Chinese include: Harvill: A Simple Complex Man (2011), Selected Poems of Beling - Old Days (2006), and Today and Tomorrow (1988). He is the author of the literary memoirs Expulsion: China (German translation, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2012) and Freedom of Sacrifice: Liu Xiaobo (German translation, Riva Verlag, 2010). |